Sunday, August 3, 2014

Ridgway: Saturday and Sunday

Saturday:  A day of nothing much.  We rode bikes, then locked them up and hiked a bit around the campground. 

View from the tent camping area
  Across the river and up the mountain is the tent campiing.  Oh my, you gotta want to tent camp bad to get all your stuff up there.  They do have little carts to use wheeling your tent, etc up the hill.  It was a climb….but a nice wide trail. 

We walked the River Trail and watched all the fishermen.  Nobody was doing much good with fishing.  I walked ahead and saw a spot with good access to the side of the river.  Right below me was a big stump and a school of trout.  Ronnie walked up and told me to tell the fisherman across the river (I hadn’t even seen him til then).  Got his attention and motioned for him, so he crossed the river and immediately caught one.  We walked on and when we returned, he said he’d caught three nice ones there.  We visited with him a bit.  He is from Ridgway and works at the Billings Artworks

in Ridgway where they make the Grammys.  We’d seen the place but had no idea it was talking about the actual Grammys, but it is.  Who knew??? 

After a bit, we came back and read for a good while outside.  Weather is so nice, until you get in the sun and it is HOT.  I guess we’re closer to it up here in the mountains.  LOL.   Most of the trails are good for bikes, but there are small  portions that are mountain biking, only....
How to mountain bike ride with a road bike

We’ve enjoyed the company of the little ground squirrels.  They come up when we are snacking and crawl on our feet trying to get a peanut or whatever.

Anyway, that was pretty much our day yesterday.  Could not get back into the jeep….just couldn not.  We leave tomorrow (Monday) so today will be pretty much spent getting things together (there’s not much to that).  I’ll wash another load.  Love this little washer/dryer combo.  Not much washing to do when we get home…have kept up with laundry.  Set it and go and the clothes are dry when we get back. 

Sunday:  Got up and rode bikes and hiked again today.  Watched the fishermen along the river.  Saw a snake and I was ready to come back.  It’s been lovely and we’ve had a good time but we are both ready to come home.  Ready for some flat land.  We plan a different route home.  50 to Gunnison, then 114 to 285 to Walsenburg.  "They" say it's a good road with the pass over 114 about 1200 feet less than Monarch Pass.  So we will try that.  Not sure where we'll spend the night..depends on how early we leave and how long we feel like ridiing.

Ridgway is a really nice place to visit.  I highly recommend the camping at the State Park, where we are.

Well, do I feel like an idiot!  Misread my reservations and we were supposed to leave by noon today!  Someone else had reserved our site starting today.  Geez.  Camp host came aknocking.  Really nice.  He found another site that we could use for tonight so we got moved....less than 15 minutes.

Clouds are moving in and rain is predicted.  We may just find a movie to watch.


PS.  FYI:  Be sure and "click" on the blue words....they carry you to a link with lots of info.

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