Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I-40 Homeward Bound

Left Ridgway Monday a.m. about 8:15 (yes!), got diesel and was on the road by 8:45.....long, long road.  We drove 10 hours....through 6 mountain passes and finally got to Corral RV in Dalhart (same one we stayed at going).  On the way home today.  Plans were to spend the night tonight around OK City, but I KNOW we won't.  He senses home and there's no stopping.  We'll see.

We took an alternate route out of Gunnison...Hwy 114 rather than Monarch Pass. So many people on the RV forums say it's such a good way to go to avoid Monarch.....Driver says he'll do Monarch next time.  It was a fairly good road and beautiful drive , but for the first 20 miles, it was constant curves, lots of 90 degree around mountains.  When the signs say 25 mph, they mean it!  No shoulders (driver likes shoulders) but thankfully, no sheer drop-offs ...We had one short, steep pass and then flat the rest of the way to Alamosa.  Raton Pass was the last of the passes.  It's pretty long and steep, but we actually had to pass trucks so we did pretty good.  Ronnie made the comment again....we could not have done the downhills w/o this exhaust brake.  We would have totally burned up our service brakes.  Thank you, Google.

Highway 114

Hwy 114

Several signs like this

You get the idea?

New Mexico

Ran into a bit of rain in New Mexico north of Raton,,,beautiful lightning and really dark clouds.  Rain was not hard, tho and didn't last but 20-30 minutes.  Got back to 90 degree temps south of there...

Slept in a bit today (sorta tired from riding) and on the road by 10 a.m. after getting diesel.  It'll be a long day but this is a comfortable riding vehicle, quiet to a point (rattles here and there but good roads help that. )

Thanks to son and favorite daughter-in-law, yard is mowed so that won't be facing us when we get home.  Just a bit of laundry and then geet ready for next trip at end of August to Alaska.  No blog on this trip...flying light.  We are doing a cruise from Vancouver to Whittier, then train to Denali.  We're checking off one item on our bucket list on this trip....float plane (or sea plane/whatever it's called) to bear country. Looking forward to that.

Til next time....


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