Friday, August 1, 2014

Black Canyon of the Gunnison

All day in the jeep...oh, we are tired.  Drove into the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park via 347 to view the Canyon.  So awesome.  Then we drove down 50 to the West Elk Loop (Hwy 92) which goes on the east side of the Canyon.  Hwy 50 was crammed with traffic (everybody in such a HURRY) and road work...finally got to 92 and realized how far it was around the loop back to Montrose.  Debated (?)  whether to turn around and face the traffic, road work or just continue on.  We continued on.  It was a beautiful traffic to speak of but a long way.   Here are some scenes from today.

crazy man

Dragon Point (find the Dragon)

Bear or BIG dog???

Not sure about tomorrow.  He'll have to do some serious persuading to get me back in the  jeep again.  He mentioned doing Last Dollar Road again.  After the other trails we've done/started, it's a piece of cake.  

Campground has the FULL sign out again tonight, but by tomorrow morning they'll move out again.  It's been interesting watching people come and go throughout the week.  It's a really nice campground...quietest one we've ever been in.  Except for the mosquitoes....and their nightly attack.  They won't get me tonight.  Don't plan to get off the couch.

Thanks to you all for your comments and emails on the blog.  Love doing it, but internet service is so poor here, it's frustrating to get it done.  

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